Keeps Kids Quiet But Do You Know What Gadgets are Doing to Your Kids Health? - The Most Popular Lists


Keeps Kids Quiet But Do You Know What Gadgets are Doing to Your Kids Health?

While it is true that using gadgets does keep these kids quiet, keeping them in one spot several minutes (even hours!) at a time, this has harmful effects on their health!

These days wherein smartphones are getting cheaper and the internet is readily available, even kids have their own gadgets. Even kids as young as 1 year old are given gadgets by their parents, mostly to keep them well-behaved and quiet while their parents are busy.

One dad recently shared the sad fate of his daughter who nearly went blind after using too much gadgets.

Dachar Nuysticker Chuayduang shared photos of his 4-year-old daughter, taken after surgery.

According to Chuayduang, his daughter began using gadgets as early as age 2. He would let her use his iPad and smartphone for hours on end. Sadly, the kid got would get angry when Chuayduang would get the gadgets; thus, they would often just let her use the gadgets for as long as she wants.

But while the kid would be at peace for hours, she began to develop problems with her eyesight. They noticed that she would squinting her eyes. Then, she developed ‘lazy eye’. This means that one eye does not develop properly; thus, this affected eye relies more on the ‘good’ eye for vision. This leads to one eye, the affected one, becoming ‘lazy’ and would just move in a different direction as the ‘good’ eye.

Even with these vision problems, however, Chuayduang continued letting his kid use gadgets. But as the condition worsened, he finally brought her to an eye doctor.

At the tender age of 4, the kid had to undergo surgery to correct her vision problems. They were told that the child was close to getting blind! Thankfully, it was not too late for the kid.

But Chuayduang hopes that this would be a lesson for other parents so their kids won’t have to undergo the same experience as his daughter.

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