Not all heroes wear capes and one great example of this is the awesome medical professionals who are responding to the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic in China.
With the number of infected cases and deaths increasing more and more every day, selfless medical professionals at the frontline are doing their best to keep the virus at bay.
Teams of volunteers have been sent to ground zero in Wuhan to try and contain the outbreak as most of the cases originate from there.
On January 27th, the first batch of medics from Anhui set out for Wuhan, leaving their family members behind during the Lunar New Year holidays to do their duty in saving lives.
Source: China Story
One of them was 35-year-old Zhang Min, who is the deputy head nurse of neurosurgery in the First People’s Hospital in Anqing City, China Story reported.
In a touching video shared online, Zhang can be seen bidding goodbye to her four-year-old daughter who is hugging her tightly.
The young girl refuses to let Zhang go and keeps asking her not to go.
Source: China Story
Zhang tells her daughter, “I’m going to fight monsters and after that, I will come home straight away, okay?” Visibly choked up, Zhang tells her daughter to be a good girl before she leaves.
A total of 187 people including Zhang arrived in Wuhan to help, which include 50 intensive care unit nurses, 135 medical staff members and two team leaders.
Source: China Story
They all underwent medical training the next day and were immediately put straight to work as the team in Wuhan was overwhelmed.
LOOK: Wuhan Doctors Exhausted From Treating Coronavirus Patients, Sleep On Hospital Floors & Benches
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This article first appeared on China Story.
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