Diabetics Are Struggling To Buy Alcohol Swabs for Insulin Jabs As They’re Sold Out Amidst Virus Outbreak - The Most Popular Lists


Diabetics Are Struggling To Buy Alcohol Swabs for Insulin Jabs As They’re Sold Out Amidst Virus Outbreak

The 2019-nCov outbreak has caused a massive shortage of supply for products like masks, gloves and hand sanitisers. Even alcohol swabs are sold out at some pharmacies, making it difficult for those who really need them.

Like a diabetic man who was unable to buy alcohol swabs for his regular insulin injections.

Facebook community page, Just Keep Thinking, shared a screenshot of an Instagram story about a conversation that happened between a customer and a shop assistant.

The man then explained that he is diabetic and needs the swabs for his regular insulin injections.

Source: Facebook

“What are people buying alcohol swabs for? So small, want to clean table? For the hand also not enough. Depriving stocks for those who really need it?,” he allegedly said.

Because the 2019-nCov virus can be found on surfaces, it is most likely that people have been buying alcohol swabs to clean most-touched surfaces. However, this is not what alcohol swabs are for.

There are actually many household items you can use to kill the 2019-nCov virus like Dettol and Clorox.

The shop assistant then urged people to stop buying alcohol swabs if they don’t really need it.

Just Keep Thinking also wrote in their caption that diabetic patients need alcohol swabs to disinfect their skin before their insulin jabs.

Diabetics can’t produce enough insulin and need to manually inject themselves with the hormone to keep a healthy level of blood glucose in their bodies.

Failing to do so will lead to serious health problems like blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.

I know many of you are afraid of getting infected with the virus, but we also have to think about those who already have health conditions and are in need of things like alcohol swabs.

Click the link below to find out what other household items you can use to kill the Wuhan Coronavirus. (READ: These 18 Household Cleaning Products Are Effective Against Wuhan Coronavirus)

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This article first appeared on World of Buzz.

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