Victoria’s Secret Model Gets $64 Million Reward for Giving Tycoon’s Family a Grandson - The Most Popular Lists


Victoria’s Secret Model Gets $64 Million Reward for Giving Tycoon’s Family a Grandson

Chinese supermodel Ming Xi was reportedly “rewarded” for giving birth to her son with husband Mario Ho, son of Macau casino tycoon Stanley Ho.

The 30-year-old mom gave birth to a baby boy named Ronaldo in October 2019, three months after getting married to Ho. Her husband had hinted at a special reward before but declined to give details.

“It’s not convenient to discuss her gift, but it’ll be substantial,” Ho told local media in Hong Kong.

Victoria's Secret Supermodel Ming Xi in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show

Hong Kong media platforms recently revealed that Ming Xi was given a $500 million Hong Kong dollar ($64.3 million) mansion as a gift, reports AsiaOne.

The property, purchased by Ho about a month ago at the age of 25, is situated in Deep Water Bay, a neighborhood touted to be the world’s wealthiest.

好久不見!跟大家分享一個我們家族的大喜訊!我和我老婆@mingxi11 升級當爸爸媽媽了! 謝謝我老婆小明!陪伴她從懷孕到生產的這段時間里,我才知道當媽媽的犧牲與不易。以前她走路都蹦蹦跳跳,懷孕以後走路都不方便,還要忍受強烈的孕吐和難以控制的情緒波動,這世界上的媽媽們實在太辛苦了!謝謝老婆熬過那段時間,為我生下一個健康又可愛的寶寶。 我爸爸下個月就98歲了,他對於我來說,是像超人一樣的存在,無所不能,我小時候的願望他通通能幫我實現。可對於他自己,卻一直有一個願望沒有實現,那就是抱孫子。今天終於能夠很高興地告訴他,他有長孫了!他老人家的願望終於實現了,我們家終於有第五代的男丁了! 對於寶寶的名字,我們家一直都是根據族譜 「啓 世 鴻 猷 廣」取名的,第二個字是每一代通用的,第三個字一般是父親取,寄寓對小孩的希望。我爸以前說過,他的財富是他給每一個兒孫的禮物,能積累多久多少就看自己的本事了。可是對於長孫而言,他希望給到一份獨一無二的,一份能夠陪伴一輩子的禮物,那就是把他自己的名字送給長孫來繼承。所以,我兒子很榮幸地叫何廣燊,希望他能夠像他爺爺一樣,成為一個有益於社會的傳奇人物。我給廣燊取的英文名叫Ronaldo,希望他會又高又帥,既有天賦,又能通過自身努力贏得世界的認可,沒壓力哈 兒子No pressure! 再次謝謝我的老婆,你是最棒的,我愛你❤️!🥰
A post shared by Mario Ho 🤓 (@momomarioho) on

According to reports, it was Ho’s mother, Angela Leong, who paid for the property, an indication that the model is now considered to be officially a part of the Ho family.

Ronaldo is the first grandson to bear the family name. Before his birth, his mother had been staying at a hotel and was never invited to live at the Ho residence.

Xi and Ho made headlines last year after their “fairytale” proposal in May went viral.

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This article first appeared on NextShark.

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