Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies from deadly Coronavirus: State media - The Most Popular Lists


Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies from deadly Coronavirus: State media

A doctor has died from coronavirus nine days after getting infected with the deadly virus in China.

READ: 15 people die from Coronavirus in one day; death toll rising, says Chinese officials

Liang Wudong, 62, from Hubei Province, was suspected of contracting the disease on January 16 at Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine and was transferred to the Jinyintan Hospital two days later.

The former ENT medic, who retired from the profession last June, died this morning.

He complained of tightening of the chest and feeling flustered when he was admitted to the hospital.

Liang Wudong, 62, from Hubei Province, was suspected of contracting the disease on January 16

A detailed checkup of him revealed a chest infection, according to Wuhan Evening Post.

READ: Chinese pulmonologist, 84, who discovered SARS virus in 2003, heads to Wuhan to fight new virus

Dr Liang was immediately put in quarantine and later transferred to Jinyintan Hospital.

READ: Virologist who helped fight SARS warns the Chinese coronavirus outbreak could be at least 10 TIMES worse than the 2003 epidemic that left 775 dead

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This article first appeared on Mirror.

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