Orphaned Baby Koala Clings To Teddy Bear After Losing Its Mom - The Most Popular Lists


Orphaned Baby Koala Clings To Teddy Bear After Losing Its Mom

Adorable photos have emerged of a baby koala cuddling up to a fluffy toy that comforts him whenever he misses his mother. 

The koala named Shayne was found by rescuers 20 metres away from his dead mother after the pair were hit by a car.

Shayne, who was found clinging onto his mother, survived the accident but she died.

And now a fluffy toy is helping him recover from his terrifying ordeal.

Shayne cuddles up to a fluffy toy when he misses his mother who was hit by a car

'It’s very fortunate that we had an observant rescuer who found Shayne and brought him into us because he wouldn’t have lasted even a day in the wild by himself at his young age—now he gets a second chance at life,' said Dr Rosie Booth, Australia Wildlife Hospital Director.

It would have been easy to miss Shayne as he had begun to crawl away from his mother, but luckily the rescuer noticed the mother was lactating and went searching for her joey.

At the moment Shayne gets around-the-clock care from a dedicated wildlife carer who feeds and comforts him. But soon it'll be time for him to be released.

READ: Brave Golden Retriever Goes Viral After Saving This Adorable Baby Koala From Death

'Once he is of acceptable weaning age and weight, Shayne will return to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital to learn essential climbing and social skills from other young koalas before being released to the wild,' the statement said.

From August to February the temperature rises across the country and out native wildlife begin to move around, looking for a mate or food. These journeys can put animals at a higher risk.

Shayne was nine-months-old when he was found on the side of the road being chased by crows

'This, unfortunately, leaves them more vulnerable to crossing paths with our rapidly expanding urban areas, often being admitted to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital as a result of being hit by a car or attacked by domestic animals as they traverse across the ground,' the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital in a statement.

During the busiest times of the year, the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital will take in an average of 70-80 koalas a month. But the zoo wants us to take precautions in a bid to reduce that statistic.

'Driving safely through wildlife populated areas and taking notice of signage sounds simple but being aware in areas where wildlife are often spotted near the roads can help reduce the potential for trauma injuries occurring. Keeping pets secure at night will also reduce the risk for many hundreds of wildlife animals each year,' the zoo said.

Shayne receives around-the-clock care at the moment but soon enough he will released into the wild

ALSO READ: “I’m Not Leaving You, Mama!” Baby Koala refuses to leave injured mother's side

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This article first appeared on The Daily Mail UK.

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