Filipino Seafarer Confirmed Positive for Coronavirus in Japan cruise ship - The Most Popular Lists


Filipino Seafarer Confirmed Positive for Coronavirus in Japan cruise ship

A Filipino seafarer is among the 10 people on board a cruise ship who tested positive for novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV, the cruise operator said in a statement on Wednesday.

The Filipino was a crew member of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, making him the first Filipino national confirmed with the novel coronavirus.

Other nationalities who were confirmed to have the coronavirus were an American guest, two Australians, three Japanese, and three Chinese nationals from Hong Kong.

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The cruise operator said the Filipino crew and nine others will be taken ashore by a Japanese Coast Guard watercraft and transported to local hospitals.

A Filipino seafarer is among the 10 people on board a cruise ship who tested positive for novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV, the cruise operator confirms.

Japanese authorities are still waiting for the results of more than 100 test samples from other passengers.

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The cruise ship has been docked in Japan's Yokohama Bay and placed under quarantine for 14 days to isolate and monitor 2,666 guests and 1,045 crew members on board the ship, CNN reported.

Medical officials are going room-by-room to check each their health and temperature. It is unclear how many passengers may have disembarked from the cruise ship early.

Japanese authorities locked down the vessel on Tuesday after a former passenger, an 80-year-old man from Hong Kong who disembarked 12 days ago, was confirmed to have the coronavirus.

The novel coronavirus has infected more than 20,000 people in the two months since it has been identified. Of the 427 deaths — 425 were in mainland China, a Chinese man in the Philippines, and a 39-year-old man in Hong Kong.

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This article first appeared on CNN Philippines.

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