Taal Volcano Erupts; Phivolcs Orders Evacuation - The Most Popular Lists


Taal Volcano Erupts; Phivolcs Orders Evacuation

State seismologists on Sunday raised the alert status at Taal Volcano to Level 2, or "increasing unrest," following an eruption.

A "phreatic explosion" generated a plume of smoke with an approximate height of 100 meters and three earthquakes, the Phivolcs said.

The bureau called for a precautionary evacuation of the Taal Volcano island pending observation of its condition within the next 48 hours.

The volcano has manifested "increased steaming activity in at least 5 spots inside the main crater" since 1 p.m. Sunday and is ongoing as of this posting, the Phivolcs said.

Last year, the Phivolcs raised the volcano's status to alert Level 1 and said it was at an "abnormal condition."

The bureau reminded the public that the volcano's main crater was "strictly off limits" due to sudden steam explosions and the possible release of high concentrations of lethal volcanic gases.

"The northern portion of the main crater rim, in the vicinity of Daang Kastila Trail, can also become hazardous when fumarolic or degassing activity along existing fissures suddenly increases," Phivolcs said.

The entire volcano island is a "permanent danger zone (PDZ), and permanent settlement in the island is strongly not recommended," it added.


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This article first appeared on ABS-CBN News.

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