The First Full Moon Of 2020 Will Is Coming & It's Called A "Wolf Moon" - The Most Popular Lists


The First Full Moon Of 2020 Will Is Coming & It's Called A "Wolf Moon"

This new year is going to be great for skywatchers and people who love everything to do with space. The full wolf moon in 2020 will kick off a year of amazing celestial events with brightness. You might even be able to hear some wolves howling at it if you're in the right places.

Every year, the first full lunar event in January is called the full wolf moon and 2020 is no different.

When you look up at the night sky on January 10, if conditions are clear, you'll be able to spot the celestial body which will rise from the horizon at sunset.

This full moon will be completely illuminated at 2:21 p.m. ET, which is when 100% of its face will be lit up, but you can't actually see it until the sun starts to set.

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Even though the lunar body might look full to you in the days leading up to January 10, it hasn't reached its true fullness until that exact time and day.

According to EarthSky, it will shine in front of the Gemini constellation and will rise and set really far north of due east and west so you'll be able to see it high in the sky.

This particular lunar calendar also acts like the summer sun as it follows the same high path that the sun does in the summer through the nighttime.

The wolf label is the traditional name for the full moon that happens in January because wolves were heard more often during this time.

If you live somewhere near where wolves live you might be lucky enough to hear them howling into the night.

However, this isn't the only name it has.

The January lunar event is also sometimes referred to as the cold, old, and great spirit moon.

Each month has a special name for its full moon which often correlates with things that happen in that month.

Like the snow moon in February, the strawberry moon in June and the harvest moon in October.

2020 is a great year for celestial events including two supermoons, a blue moon, lots of meteor showers and more. So be on the lookout!

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This article first appeared on Narcity.

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