BREAKING: Passenger plane crashes in Afghanistan - The Most Popular Lists


BREAKING: Passenger plane crashes in Afghanistan

A passenger plane has crashed in eastern Afghanistan, officials have said.

Casualties are feared after a plane reportedly carrying more than 80 people crashed and burst into flames in Taliban-controlled territory in Afghanistan.

The aircraft came down in the Deh Yak district of Ghazni, to the south west of Kabul, a provincial spokesman told local media.

Local officials said an Ariana Afghan Airlines Boeing 737-400 went down in remote and mountainous Deh Yak district in eastern Ghazni province.

The plane crashed and caught fire due to technical reasons, the spokesman said.

The plane was initially reported to have belonged to Ariana Airlines but they have now denied this.

No offial details about casualties have been given.

The fate of the passengers and crew was unknown and there were conflicting reports about the departure city and destination.

Local media said 83 people were on board flight FG507 when the state-owned plane went down south-west of Kabul at about 1.15pm local time on Monday.

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This article first appeared on BBC.

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